Financial Guide for Parents
Effortlessly navigate to the right decisions for your family.Get an instant, personalized coverage recommendation. Compare quotes.
Learn how to make great financial choices for your family.
Understand 529 plans and tax savings. Learn how much to save.
Life Insurance
- How much do I really need?
- What type of policy?
- How do I get the best pricing?
Financial Action Plan
- What should be on my to do list?
- How should I prioritize?
- 401k? College savings? Debt?
- Should I refinance?
College Savings
- How much should I save?
- Which account is best for me?
- What should I know about 529 plans? Coverdell accounts?
AboveBoard made everything so much simpler and more affordable. When I was done, I knew which products I really needed and which ones I didn't.
- J., mom of two
What I was blown away with in your 529 section was the actual breakdown of fees...and information that NO other site has posted. People normally just say invest. But they don't tell the truth about what happens to your money once you invest.
- M., mom of a daughter
I really liked your parent's guide and I actually consulted it on the life insurance part to see if the financial planner we spoke with was telling us something fair.
- D., mom of a daughter

I started AboveBoard because I believed that financial services should be done differently.
I’d been on Wall Street for more than 10 years as a banker and investor for an elite hedge fund group at Goldman Sachs covering financial institutions - I was repeatedly appalled by how often friends and colleagues were getting terrible advice from the industries I knew so well.
I understood why - financial services are rife with opacity and misaligned incentives. So I decided to follow my dream of using my expertise to offer financial services the right way - with an unwavering commitment to the highest standards of diligence, really understanding the facts and putting clients first.
Today, I am proud to say that we help people make the right choices for themselves and the people they love.
Warm Regards,
Wallis Tsai